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Quintela Final

The lesson I chose was from our Shapes unit. It was over 3-D Shapes and some 2-D shapes. My students have prior knowledge of 2-D shapes and I have been teaching over shapes for 2 weeks prior. The lesson in my opinion was one that was the easiest to choose from to see success from my students.

Prior to the test, success to me looked like my students in mastering or meets. Ensuring that before our final unit test they are able to substantially show growth and understanding in shapes wither its 2-D or 2-D shapes. Allow them the grow and gain knowledge and understandings in names of shapes, vertices, sides, and faces.

Here is my teacher video- in the video my emotions were high. I really expected my students to do much better than they showed me on my paper especially after teaching shapes for 2 weeks ahead of time.

The 2nd video is my re-teach small group video. I had 8 kids in the group. If you can tell that they knew much more about shapes in this video do to a full unit test and multiple reviews before Thanksgiving break.

After watching back on my video, I think I would of liked it better if I did smaller groups of maybe 4 each time. I think some of them were not really paying attention and I believe that I have 2 students who would benefit much more from one on one work. I do like how they all work together when someone askes a questions so I allowed the peer work as well.

Moving on from watching my video, I will continue to cover my shapes and even work on getting all of my students their own 3-d shapes so that they can work on their stuff with the physical shapes at their disposal. I really do enjoy throwing in videos and shows for my littles cause it keeps them engaged and when they are catchy they all work and remember the shapes. Where you can hear them singing in the video.

Next time I would also like to even take this small lesson onto a bigger whole group lesson as well. I learned that they did have the knowledge and understanding but some may be to grasp and understand what they are hearing while my others may be behind and its just not clicking with them. That is okay, not all students are goin to get it and understand it. Breaking it down and showing them in different chunks and allowing them that time to see it all helped. I would love to continue to add songs into my lessons to catch their understandings.

Work from my students who did not pass the assessment that was given.

This are the 2 pages that our students did to complete the lesson that day, the one on the right was a work together group lesson and paper. After the papers we then talked about shapes and they were able to make shapes with playdough.

The paper on the left is the grade assessment that I am going off of.

I then set my papers up from below, almost there, meets, and masters. (pictures below)

I went through and I seperated them this way so that I could see those who understood the shapes and were able to break up my groups. I did include all below meets in my re-teach to ensure that they are getting another mini lesson that gives them a more look into their understanding of shapes. I even brought out the shapes to ensure they could see them.

Breaking down my samples I chose one from each group. The first one shows true mastery and understanding of all their shapes. They showed and wrote the correct names.

My next sample is my meets- even thought they did not make a 100 they were passing and understood the assignment enough to pass. Where she got her parallelogram confused.

My next sample is someone who was almost there , there fore they only missed passing by one questions. Being 3 points away from a 78 shows me that he understood it but not quiet enough to ensure a passing grade.

My last example is one that did not understand the shapes nor show knowledge of the shapes. They struggled to identify based off of shape, size, vertices, and faces of the shape that was presented.

Based off of my examples, I chose them because I was able to see those who understood it to the max, those who understood to pass, those who were so close and my students who did not understand it at all. Going through my piles and my choosing I was able to see my students who I thought understand it and be shown something completely different in their papers and understandings.

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